And so now I’m stuck in westville life, the very first morning after getting raced in. I wake to see my gynae in my room. So I ask, what’s up! She turns to me saying I just got informed u here, I’ve come to check up on u. So I thank her and she leaves. Never to be seen again. So I put her out my mind, by now being a seriously cigarette addicted person. I’m freaking out. No one will let me have a wheel chair to go out without permission( this hospital is actually very badly equip to deal with people like me. The nursing staff are rude and abrupt. The doctors treat u like an idiot, they don’t discuss anything with u as it looks like, when you’ve had a stroke. You got no common sense or feelings. Now there’s one item I absolutely despise. I had it used on me with my eldest birthing. Or after when I got the blood clot in my hip. A catheter (omg) it’s one of those things that drive me insane. The constant urge to urinate. So I tell westville staff, I have full control of my bladder. take it out. They refuse to so I tell the sister I feel I want to see. So she forces me to press my bladder to make sure I see it’s working through the catheter. This continued my entire 3 day stay in ICU( I’m still fighting about my cigarettes. So on my second to last night, I’m sitting up in bed, when my fiance arrives. He dumps his wallet, lighter and cigarettes on the bed then runs to the toilet, now the devils on my shoulder. I pick up the smokes and quickly light one, hiding the box under my butt on the bed under the covers. My fiance runs out snatching the smoke out my hand so I proceed to light another, while he’s stunning out the first one. Now he’s fighting with me, so I say tell doc I want a wheelchair and I’ll wait until he gives me one. But if u don’t demand one, I’m lighting every cigarette in this box. Well I got my wheelchair and the next morning forced my fiance to take me out before the doors were unlocked. Now my last day at westville, I’m being transferred to Entabeni life hospital now. Entabeni has an awesome rehabilitation center for people like me. But I need to wait for a bed. So I got to go home for 2 days while we wait for a discharge. ( it starts). So we get home. I’m wheelchair bound except for being able to stand and transfer myself to toilet. But I’m permanently supervised. The entire family had to go through a sort of training on how to work with me. Where to stand and they grip the elastic of the back of your pants whenever they work with us. I can’t complain about entabeni. I met some amazing people there, my first morning at breakfast, I met nameless. He had been shot accidentally in his spine by being caught by a drive by shoot out between cops and some bad guys. Now paralysed from the waist down. Now for those that do know me. I might be Afrikaans but open to interracial friendships, even though I had been raised to be. This young man asked me to sit with him and then asked me what had happened. I proceeded to cry over breakfast, telling him everything. He then told me about his ordeal. Then it’s time for occupational therapy. I have this cute but tiny therapist working with me and I feel like if I fall I’ll squash this poor girl. But she takes my arm and positions it in a type of swing rope sling, that it’s in line with my shoulder, but elbow and wrist is supported. Now I must swing my arm. So I try. Wow. It’s working. So I’m ecstatic my shoulder muscles functioning. So we sit and work the muscle for an hour.chatting all the time. Shivani is such a nice person. Straight from there I get taken to physiotherapy. There I meet peruksha. Now this therapist I feel I won’t kill should I fall. She’s well built but sturdy. Very pretty. Omg what pretty ladies. Peruksha now starts teaching me independent transfers and we start with scooting exercises. Where u sit on the edge of the flatbed and pres the balls of ur feet down to lift yourself to shift over on a couch. But I had to keep going until the edge of the bed, then come back. This is afternoon therapy, then we got time to kill until supper and visiting hours. By my second day, there’s a young lady in a room across from mine. I’m a mom and they had already discussed a young girl in a different room that might need a mom response. I had already met the 12 year old, that sadly had a permanent disibility, I had already told her to come to me anytime and I had been in and out her room. But now I needed to meet this young lady. So I wheeled myself in to a room that I never knew would become a daily stop in. I met nameless 2 she had gone out clubbing and got back at 3am. Then opened the big sliding gate and as she turned, the girl driving accidentally slammed into the gate, knocking it on top of Chloe. A security spoke had gone into her head as well as under her kneecap. My new friend was paralysed from the neck down.

Summary. Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in part of your body. It happens when something goes wrong with the way messages pass between your brain and muscles. Paralysis can be complete or partial. It can occur on one or both sides of your body. Chloe And I became besties. Sharing every experience, happy or sad moment. The sisters always said if u look for one u will find the other.

And now I'll leave u hanging.